iGroup Properties and Auctioneers Bk as well as five joining companies, iFarming and Agri, iLogistics, iFinance, iEquipment, iFuels and Gas and Solarflare started in January 2015.
Every company has its core business and the companies together work like a machine to provide our clients with good and professional service on every separate platform on its own.
The offspin business out of every company creates a place where the other companies can service the needs of the clients with professional people that know and understand their work and profession.
iGroup Properties and Auctioneers mainly operates in the property and auction industry and offer any types of auctions across South Africa. Our office is situated in Bloemfontein capital of the Free State.
iGroup Auctioneers can manage any type of auction such as ‘onsite’ or ‘onine’ auctions and also selling any type of items out of hand.
iGroup Properties mainly works in the Free State, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, North Western Cape and parts of the Old Transvaal.
Our Companies provide a lot of other services such as Solar Solutions, Financing, Property Valuations, Loose Assets Valuation, Risk Management and Advising, Facilitation, Farming Solutions and Product Selling,
Transport Solutions, Valuations and Selling of loose assets out of hand.
The property business mainly works with agricultural and commercial properties and on a smaller base with residential properties.
We have senior Agents and junior Agents involved in the property business and all of them have very good experience in the area that they are operating and working in.
Every Company has its own personnel and these employees are very professional in their type of work and
most of them has experience for more than five years in their areas.
Solarflare was the first solar company in South Africa that did the pilot projects in the Free State, North Western Province and the Eastern Cape, concerning Solar Systems where the farmers (clients) received permission to import electricity through their solar plants into the national Eskom grid and for that they receive credits that help them a lot to save money. We supply our own parts for our solar projects and we also handle the application process for our clients with Eskom and Nersa. We have our own Engineers and we handle the whole building project with our own installers. We have done work from a 5 kilowatt project and up to a 1,6 megawatt already, mainly for irrigation farmers, dairies and a lot of other agricultural businesses.
Our company iFarming and Agri mainly sells products to the farms that includes, Seed, Fertilizer, Poison and Solar power.
iGroup Properties sold the most expensive irrigation farms in South Africa in 2017 on an auction for the amount of R244 000 000,00.
We also do a lot of work for Attorneys and Liquidators, concerning willing or forced auctions.
Our Companies strive to service all our clients in a professional way and with a lot of respect.
Vision and Mission
iGroup’s vision is to deliver high quality risk management skills and advise which includes financial and management advice to all clients, such as farmers, which takes up the biggest percentage of our client base, in the agricultural sector of South Africa to develop new strategies, plans and projects in order to gain success.
Solarflare our Solar company helps a lot to handle with the energy crisis that our clients have in South Africa and we pride ourselves with the service and quality of our work.
Our mission is to be successful in what we do and to have satisfied clients.
iGroup’s mission also includes:
− To provide exceptional service to its clients.
− To offer free willing auctions for clients in need.
− To supply seed, fertilizer and poison to our farmers.
− To handle Solar solutions for our clients.
− To help with Financial needs like loan applications with the Banks.
− To facilitate and advice our clients.
− To sell the Properties of our clients on a professional way.
− To arrange any type of Auction for our clients to sell their properties or loose assets.
− To help with Logistics.
− To sell loose assets out of hand.
− To be professional and respectful to any and every client.Sol